
Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Thanksgiving in Kindergarten 2015

We are thankful for…
Our students, our families, our helpers, our teachers and the whole community involved in our school San Fulgencio.
One week ago, San Fulgencio school celebrated the cultutal tradition instaured in some anglosaxon countries long long ago….. thanksgiving day.
Our school marked this day as an special day some years ago, and every year that we are celebrating it, the festival is getting more and more exciting for all our community.
Our school decided to invite some native families that volunteer telling us the real story and the origin of this celebration. Our families were really helpful, they created some crafts, slides and were dressed up with their typical clothes as pilgrims.
After the collabotation of our families, the school offered a collaborative breakfast for kids and families. We were able to offer some healthy snack (yogurts, fruits, wáter, etc) that were donated by Carrefour Supermarket. Some families also donated some cakes, croissants, buiscuits, cinnamon rolls, pumpkin pies, etc.
Our goal was focused on fundraising money for some ONG. We set a symbolic Price, just 2 euros, in order to participate in our collaborative breakfast. Some families were really generous, and gave more that 2 euros. We raise 432 euros! WOW!

We are really thankful for every single hand that was involved in this celebration. 

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